Font Mora Sainz de Baranda

Lawyers and tax advisors

FONT MORA SAINZ DE BARANDA is the Firm born from the merger of two law firms


Specialized in procedural and commercial law


Specialized in tax and administrative law

This confluence makes the new office one of the leading law firms in the Balearic Islands. At the same time, it will allow us to offer a more complete and integral advice to our clients.

abogado palma de mallorca
abogado palma de mallorca

The firm is made up of different professionals from different areas of law and economics, all of them with proven experience and professional solvency.

In an increasingly complex world, in which problems and/or conflicts need and must be approached from different perspectives, solutions must be global. Solutions that can only be offered by a multidisciplinary team of professionals.

The professional practice of FONT MORA SAINZ DE BARANDA is developed both in the field of legal, tax and economic advice, negotiation and mediation, dialogue with the various Public Administrations, as well as in the field of litigation. Thus, the Firm, in the development of its activity, attends to the different legal matters and procedural stages that may arise in each case.

The FMSB team specializes in Tax Planning and Business Restructuring for individuals and corporations at both Resident and Non-Resident (Domestic and International) levels.

Furthermore, our office is a member of the network of national offices NetIure and international offices Law Link.